iMAT unifies materials research at Aarhus University in a focused effort towards solving societies grand challenges
The Aarhus University Centre for Integrated Materials Research or iMAT is one of Aarhus University's Strategic Research Centres working on developing solutions to the World's Grand Challenges.
Humanity is faced with Grand Challenges such as the developments of sustainable energy sources, engaging climate changes and ensuring water quality and food supplies. Challenges that are reflected in the 17 Global Development Goals coined by the United Nations. The solutions to many of these challenges heavily rely on breakthroughs within materials research.
iMAT integrates and boosts activities within materials science across the fields of chemistry, engineering, physics, nanoscience and geology. It spans the corresponding AU departments and forms a strong and productive community for materials researchers at Aarhus University.
iMAT focuses on establishing new research directions, developing strong collaborations with industry and premier international institutions, and on harvesting new synergies between established groups. Its aim is to strengthen and augment current materials research at Aarhus University. The result will be major scientific advances, a push to state-of-the-art and the creation of new national and international collaborations and networks.
You can read more about materials research here.
iMAT funds 7 materials research Ph.D.'s - read more about these projects here.
Are you making a presentation? Feel free to use the iMAT logo. You can find it here